Are Technology and Viruses uses in Vaccines , Pridiction of Stephen Hawking - Deadly Viruses

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Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Are Technology and Viruses uses in Vaccines , Pridiction of Stephen Hawking


                         FUTURE OF HUMAN BEINGS ON EARTH                                             

Stephen Hawking spent 55 years of his life confined to a wheelchair, unable to eat or communicate. He did, however, talk with the assistance of a computer. Despite the fact that most of his theories and prophecies came true, Stephen Hawking is no longer among us. But, before his death, he made some terrifying predictions regarding the demise of the Earth, which, if accurate, would mean that our planet will become extinct in the next 200 years. 

Stephen Hawking was diagnosed with a rare illness at the age of 21 that affects adults beyond the age of 50 and is highly dangerous. Stephen Hawking was given the life-changing news that he only had two years to live by doctors. By living 55 years with this disease, a person who had been assigned a two-year deadline by life proved doctors incorrect. He didn't let his illness get the best of him. 

Rather, he desired to use his disability to his advantage. He was confined to a wheelchair and unable to eat or communicate as a result of his condition. He was fed through one tube and breathed through another. And, in order to speak, a special computer was attached to his wheelchair, and he typed on it using a small muscle in his jaw. Which the computer transforms into voice and communicates to others. Almost all of his physical parts had ceased working, but he had one thing that made him far stronger than other people. Stephen Hawking possessed a brain that was significantly more capable of thinking and analyzing than the average human. He published eight volumes while in a wheelchair, and as the world's second greatest scientist behind Einstein, he revealed world-shaking revelations about the universe. 

Stephen Hawking made claims that were eventually proven to be correct.Black holes are included in this. On the one hand, his theories astounded scientists and researchers. On the other side, many of Stephen Hawking's forecasts have caused people to be concerned and afraid. Stephen Hawking predicted how and when our planet Earth and its inhabitants would be annihilated in these terrifying predictions. Let's take a look at these six predictions. More than aliens, Stephen Hawking believes that humans are the greatest threat to themselves. 

In 2016, he stated that many of the vaccinations being developed to combat numerous viruses are genetically engineered. That is, they are created by modifying the virus's DNA genetically. So that humans are not affected by the virus.According to Stephen Hawking, such vaccines are effective for a limited time since they protect us from infection. However, because of DNA alterations, could eventually lead to human extinction. Currently, pharmacists are attempting to create a single vaccination from a mix of lethal pathogens. The RotaTeq vaccination, for example, was developed to protect newborn newborns from Rotavirus. 

This vaccine was created by combining the DNA of cows and humans.his vaccination protects youngsters against Rotavirus, but only time will tell if it has any side effects. While confined to a wheelchair for 55 years, Stephen Hawking conducted extensive research into the universe and came to the conclusion that life exists beyond Earth. And aliens will one day take over our world. our universe was created as a result of the Big Bang, according to scientific theory. 

But Hawking's hypothesis was a little different: he believed that there were numerous Big Bangs, each of which formed a new universe. Hawking was a believer in a parallel universe. Although there is no proof that another universe exists, Stephen Hawking was convinced that aliens would come to Earth one day to study us and eventually take over the planet. Stephen Hawking presented his final research paper to prove his theory of multiple universes just two weeks before his death in 2018, titled "A Smooth Exit from Eternal Inflation?" 

In it, Hawking proposed that, despite the fact that our universe was created by a Big Bang, it is still growing and that a moment would come when it will run out of energy to expand further.Although there is no proof that another universe exists, Stephen Hawking was convinced that aliens would come to Earth one day to study us and eventually take over the planet. Stephen Hawking presented his final research paper to prove his theory of multiple universes just two weeks before his death in 2018, titled "A Smooth Exit from Eternal Inflation?" 

In it, Hawking proposed that, despite the fact that our universe was created by a Big Bang, it is still growing and that a moment would come when it will run out of energy to expand further.Humans have limited intelligence e.g, humans can see in only one direction at a time or do one work at a time. But the intelligence of robots can be enhanced to any level with which humans cannot compete.An example of such a robot can be found in Israel's Iron Dome which is a highly intelligent air defense system. This Iron Dome can neutralize dozens of incoming missiles at once in the sky. Not only that, in just 1 ms the robot inside it, first detects and destroys those missiles that are going to fall in the populated area. Stephen Hawking predicted that one-day robots will be so powerful that they will try to control humans. And they will succeed in the end. We all know that violence is inherent in human nature and that it never seems to cease. And we can see it in the latest conflict between Russia and Ukraine. Humans have devised weapons that can wipe out the whole human race in one shot to aid their conflicts. 

Weapons of mass destruction are another name for them. During WWII, America unleashed two atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, two Japanese towns. The ramifications can still be seen today. If mankind does not learn to live in peace, as Stephen Hawking foretold, the world would end. They will eventually fight each other and launch a nuclear war. and when will this world's end day be? Global warming is one of Stephen Hawking's most terrifying forecasts. Even if humanity survives every catastrophe, Stephen Hawking believes that in the next 600 years, this world will become uninhabitable for humans. There will be no forest left at that time. The seas will dry up, and there will be no indication of mankind. 

The most obvious reason will be the rising population, while another will be the usage of excessive fossil fuels. Hawking predicted that Earth's condition would be similar to that of Venus in 600 years. The Earth's average temperature will soar to 250°C, with Sulphuric acid rain instead of water and scorching hot winds reaching speeds of 360 km/h. This is the same heat that is needed to cook food in an oven. 

Friends, consider how Stephen Hawking extended a doctor's two-year deadline to 55 years. Planting a tree can also help to extend the life of our planet.

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